EFFCI (the European Federation for Cosmetic Ingredients)

EFFCI stands for the European Federation for Cosmetic Ingredients. It is a non-profit organization that represents the interests of cosmetic ingredient manufacturers in Europe. EFFCI certification refers to the certification process conducted by EFFCI to ensure that cosmetic ingredient manufacturers comply with certain quality and safety standards.



EFFCI certification provides reassurance to customers and stakeholders that a cosmetic ingredient manufacturer follows good manufacturing practices, adheres to regulatory requirements, and maintains high standards of quality and safety in their products. It covers various aspects such as ingredient sourcing, manufacturing processes, quality control, and environmental sustainability.

By obtaining EFFCI certification, cosmetic ingredient manufacturers demonstrate their commitment to producing safe and high-quality ingredients, which can enhance their reputation and competitiveness in the market.


EFFCI certification is a rigorous process that involves an assessment of a cosmetic ingredient manufacturer's operations, practices, and products to ensure compliance with EFFCI's standards. The certification process typically includes the following steps:

1. Application: The manufacturer submits an application to EFFCI, expressing their interest in obtaining certification.


2. Documentation review: EFFCI reviews the manufacturer's documentation, including their quality management system, standard operating procedures, ingredient specifications, and safety data sheets.


3. On-site audit: EFFCI conducts an on-site audit at the manufacturer's facility to assess their manufacturing processes, quality control measures, and adherence to regulatory requirements. This may involve inspecting the production area, reviewing records, and interviewing staff.


4. Evaluation: Based on the documentation review and on-site audit findings, EFFCI evaluates the manufacturer's compliance with their standards. This evaluation takes into account factors such as ingredient sourcing, manufacturing practices, quality control, and environmental sustainability.


5. Corrective actions: If any non-compliance issues are identified during the evaluation, the manufacturer is required to address them and implement corrective actions within a specified timeframe.


6. Certification decision: Once the evaluation and corrective actions (if applicable) are completed, EFFCI makes a decision regarding certification. If the manufacturer meets all the requirements, they are awarded EFFCI certification.


EFFCI certification is typically valid for a specific period, after which the manufacturer needs to undergo recertification to maintain their certification status. Recertification involves a similar process as the initial certification, including documentation review and on-site audits.


Benefits of EFFCI certification include:


1. Compliance with regulations: EFFCI certification ensures that cosmetic ingredient manufacturers comply with relevant regulations and industry standards, reducing the risk of non-compliance issues.


2. Enhanced reputation: Certification demonstrates a commitment to quality and safety, enhancing a manufacturer's reputation among customers, stakeholders, and regulatory authorities.


3. Increased market access: Many customers and retailers require suppliers to have EFFCI certification, making it easier for certified manufacturers to access new markets and business opportunities.


4. Improved product quality: EFFCI certification encourages manufacturers to implement robust quality control measures, leading to improved product quality and consistency.


5. Environmental sustainability: EFFCI certification also covers environmental sustainability aspects, encouraging manufacturers to adopt eco-friendly practices and reduce their environmental impact.


It is important to note that EFFCI certification is specific to cosmetic ingredient manufacturers and does not cover finished cosmetic products. However, the use of EFFCI-certified ingredients can contribute to the overall safety and quality of finished cosmetic products.




updated on 19.12.2023